Timings for the School Day
Staggered Soft Start of Day: We operate a staggered soft start into school and a staggered end of day collection from school. This has proved to be highly successful for the school as the children are far more confident and settled coming into school and have a prestart activity – learning begins!
Currently there is a staggered start to the day from 8.45am – 9.00am for all year groups and a staggered end to the day from 3.10 – 3.15pm for EYFS (Nursery and Reception) and from 3:20- 3:30 for the rest of the school.
Current total time:
KS1: 32.5 hrs based on a 3:30pm finish
KS2: 32.5 hrs based on a 3:30pm finish
From September 2023 all classes will finish at 3:30 pm.
School Prospectus
Please click on the link to view our latest school prospectus.
Home School Agreement
St Joseph’s aims to work closely with Parents/Carers to ensure children make the best of their time at St Joseph’s. On joining and on an annual basis we request that parents and children carefully read the Home School Partnership agreement and sign it. The teacher also signs it so that everyone is in agreement on the aims and values of St Joseph’s Christian Catholic Community.
Parent Mail
Communicating with parents is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about activities, events and things that really matter is something we care about.
Traditionally we have used printed letters but delivery of these can be unreliable; they are also expensive, take time to produce and are not environmentally friendly. Historically we have also taken cash or cheque payments but we appreciate many people now pay for things online.
There are lots of benefits to registering with ParentMail:
- Access ParentMail with your own login and have access to your own personal feed
- All school communications delivered to one place
- Update your own contact information, so no need to go to the school office
- Download the free ParentMail App, which means you can pick up important messages on the go
- You can make online payments to the school for dinners, trips etc
- You can give permission for events or trips online without having to sign and return forms to us.
How do I register on ParentMail?
The school will send you a registration invitation by email or text. Once you have received this, you simply follow the steps to set up your account.
Click on the link to view help for Parents on ParentMail.
Administering Medicines
The administration of medicines in school is not encouraged. Children with long term problems, eg asthma, are an exception and should have medication in school. Where children must take prescribed medicines, these should be administered by the parent outside school hours if possible. Medicine that needs to be taken three times a day could be taken in the morning, after school hours and at bedtime.
If the medicine must be taken during school hours, parents are expected to bring this medicine into school and administer the dose at the appropriate time. Where this is not possible it is essential that Form C – Parental agreement for the school to administer medicine for pupils with a short term medical condition.
The medicine must be provided in the original container (as dispensed by the pharmacist) and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration. We cannot accept any medicine that has been removed from the original container and we can only administer the dosage that is written on the label.
All medicines should be handed into the office by the parent/carer and clearly labelled with the child’s name, dosage and timing and name of medicine and Form C above completed.
If a child refuses to take medicine, school staff must not coerce the child. The parent will be informed of the refusal. More information can be found on the school’s Medical Conditions Policy.
School Nurse
At the start of each school year a school nurse is allocated to the school to work with a delegated member of staff to develop the School Health Action Plan.
St Joseph’s is committed to pupil health and well-being. If you have any concerns about your child’s health and well-being and would like to speak to the School Nursing Service please contact Mrs Yohannes at St Joseph’s.
Parent Presentations
- Recovery Curriculum for parents
- Remote learning – Information for parents
- Head teacher’s presentation about our WE GIVE Curriculum
- Nursery Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Reception Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 1 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 2 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 3 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 4 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 5 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation
- Year 6 Expectations – Parents meeting presentation