Reception Admissions

Children are admitted into our Reception class during the academic year of their fifth birthday. The academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August.

We currently admit thirty children into our Reception class. Places are allocated to those children whose parents/carers have expressed a preference for a place at St Joseph’s on their Common Application Form (CAF) to the Local Authority (LA).

If there are more preferences expressed than available places, they will be allocated in accordance with the School’s Admissions Criteria.

As well as the CAF if you are a practicing Catholic please also complete the schools Supplementary Form, signed by your parish priest and return to the school in January.

The CAF can be submitted online or in paper form in January, please check exact deadline date. The online form can be accessed by clicking on the link to the London Borough of Wandsworth’s website.

Waiting lists are only applicable from the year in which the application was received. To remain on the waiting list, parents/carers must re-apply annually.

Visiting Our School

We offer tours of the school for prospective parents/carers. Tours usually take place on Thursdays at 11.00am and provide parents/carers with an opportunity to meet the Headteacher, to be shown around the school by our Head Boy and Head Girl and have questions answered.

Please ring the school office 020 8874 1888 to book a place on the next available tour.

Further Information

For further information on Choosing a Wandsworth Primary School and for paper forms please contact the London Borough of Wandsworth’s Pupil Services Department on 020 8871 7316 or email to

Please click on the links to download the forms.

Please click on the ling to view the Consultation on school admission arrangements for 2025/26 entry.