PATHS Programme
At St Joseph’s Primary School, as part of our PSHE curriculum, we teach the PATHS Programme. PATHS empowers all children to develop the fundamental social and emotional learning skills which will enable them to make positive choices throughout life.
From Nursery to Year 6, the programme teaches and develops the skills of self-esteem, self-control, emotional intelligence, academic engagement and conflict resolution and reduces emotional distress.
It works to enhance the children’s problem solving skills in order for them to tackle different situations they make come across in their everyday lives.
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Trailblazer Project
We are very proud to be part of a cluster of schools that have teamed up together to take part in a South West London Trailblazer Project as part of the Green Paper on Mental Health. This is with the aim of ‘Transforming mental health provision for children and young people in schools’.
We will be helping to shape what this support will look like in schools, as well as having access to a Mental Health Support Team who will provide additional expertise, capacity and support to help us treat mild to moderate mental health issues and support mental health & well-being.
We will also be piloting new approaches to working with children and young people to support them to develop resilience and to get rapid and easy access to specialist help.
At St Joseph’s we commit to making it our mission to promote resilience and positive well-being for all our pupils and staff.
Therefore we are excited to help drive this project forward and to ensure that mental health is ‘everyone’s business’ across the whole school community.
The following helplines and Internet Support links are a catalogue of some of the useful sources of help available for parents or pupils looking to explore mental health issues. The list is not exhaustive, there are a lot of other resources available online and in local libraries, and it is not an alternative to consulting your GP, which you should always do if you have serious concerns.
Useful links
NHS – Providing health and lifestyle advice along with the latest health news. Once on the NHS site you can search for topics such as anxiety and it will direct the search to lots of useful information.
Every Mind Matters – Managed by the NHS – lots of expert advice and practical tips to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Mind – Mind offers information ad advice for people with mental health problems and tips for looking after your wellbeing.
Samaritans – Providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide
Call: 116123
Or email: (24 hour response time)
Anxiety UK – supports those with anxiety, stress and anxiety based depression. Particular current focus on Coronanxiety.
Helpline – 03444 775 774
Text Line – 07537 416 905
Shout – A 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks for anyone in crisis. It is a pace to go to if you are struggling and need immediate help.
Text 85258
Family Lives – A confidential helpline for emotional support, information and advice on any aspect of parenting. Telephone: 0808 800 2222
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000247
Citizens Advice – Find advice on benefits and debt.
London Children and Young People (CYP) Homicide Service are providing support for those who have witnessed, or been bereaved by, a homicide