
The Governing Body is made up of four different types of governors, Foundation governors (appointed by the Diocese), Parent governors (who are parents at the school, elected by the parents), a staff governor (elected by the staff) and an LA governor.

The Governing Body provides strategic leadership of the school whilst monitoring and evaluating the work of the school.

The head teacher is responsible for the day-to-day leadership of the school and the Governing Body’s role is to provide support and challenge to the head teacher and staff.

Governors are linked to subject leaders, meeting regularly to discuss the curriculum and attainment.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please contact them via the Clerk –  Mrs Watts at the school office.

Current Members

Please click on the name to find out more information.

Ms Jones - Chair of Governors

Ms Jones – Foundation Governor (Chair of Governors)

I have been part of the Governing Body at our school for a number of years, I started my time on the body as a parent Governor when my eldest son attended St. Joseph’s.

I am now a Foundation Governor and have been the Chair of Governors since September 2018.

My background is in learning & development and am currently a company director of a training company specialising in leadership development and bespoke training interventions.

I am so proud of our school and the part everyone plays to ensure that every child has the very best opportunity to reach their full potential and I will do my very best to ensure that this continues.

Link Governor Areas – Early Years, Inclusion, Middle Leaders and Pupil Premium, Safeguarding (Attendance and Behaviour).

Vacancy - Foundation governor

Vacancy – Foundation governor


Mr Neligan - Foundation Governor

Mr Neligan – Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor at our school since September 2018.

During that time it has been a privilege to watch the school continue to evolve into a vibrant place of learning, where each child’s personal development is nurtured and supported.

I previously worked as a civil servant in a number of government departments, and am currently completing my legal studies ahead of starting work as a trainee solicitor at a commercial law firm. I look forward to continuing to support St Joe’s and the school community.

Link Governor Areas – Teaching & Learning and Curriculum.


Mgr Dickens - Foundation Governor

Mgr Dickens – Foundation Governor (Vice Chair)

Monsignor Matthew Dickens was appointed parish priest of St Thomas a Becket, Wandsworth West Hill in 2021.

He was also Vicar General and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Southwark from 2009 until 2022. He was educated at Simon Langton Grammar School, Canterbury, and Downing College, Cambridge, where he read History and History of Art. Brought up in the Church of England, he was received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church in 1985.

After working in publishing and medical information he trained for the priesthood at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, and was ordained in 1994. He has served as assistant and parish priest in several parishes in south London and Kent. His hobbies include history, classical music, fine arts and foreign languages.

We are rightly proud of our Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Southwark and the academic, spiritual and personal formation they offer to our young people. As the religious education link governor, it is a privilege to be part of the children’s spiritual growth, both by worship in St Thomas’s church and through regular visits to the school.

Link Governor Areas – RE, Spiritual Life of School/Parish, PSHE, Art, Music and Drama.

Mrs Brown - Foundation Governor

Mrs Brown – Foundation Governor

I have been a Governor at St. Josephs Catholic Primary school for the last three years.

My remit is Safeguarding, Inclusion, curriculum and staff wellbeing. I am involved with St. Thomas a Becket parish church and for the last 12 yrs I have chaired the Social Committee.

My professional background is nursing and midwifery, I am very proud and passionate about the NHS. In 2000 I completed an Msc in Systemic Family Therapy. Since then I have worked in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (NHS). My role is Family Therapist which compliments my role as a governor in a primary school.

I have been involved in animal welfare for many years and support many charities.

Link Governor Areas – Safeguarding and Wellbeing.

Mr Hughes - LA Governor

Mr Hughes – LA Governor

I have been involved in school governance for almost 10 years, working in education since 2015. I have experience on the finance committee, health and safety, performance and assessment data and as the chair of governors at an Ofsted Outstanding school. I served as chair steering the vision and strategic direction in creating a Multi-Academy Trust to join two secondary schools and 16-19 provision (6th form). Relocating to Wandsworth,

I jumped at the chance to serve on the board at St Joe’s as the LA-appointed governor.

Link Governor Areas – H&S, IT/Website, Cyber Security & Safeguarding (Online Filtering and Monitoring)

Mr Mack - Foundation Governor

Mr Mack – Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor since September 2022; both of my children have attended St. Joseph’s and I am proud to be involved in our community.

My background is from the military, from which I bring a wide breadth of experience. I look forward to supporting the school, its pupils and staff, to the best of my ability.

Link Governor Areas – Humanities.


Mrs Abuchi - Foundation Governor

Mrs Abuchi – Foundation Governor

I am currently a foundation governor at St Joseph’s as it’s my son’s old school and he enjoyed his time here and I’m happy to help support the learning and development of the bright young pupils at the school.

Link Governor Areas – Parental Engagement & Marketing.


Mr Mayhew - Parent Elected Governor

Mr Mayhew – Parent Elected Governor

Our family was welcomed at short notice by St Joseph’s and we count ourselves as very lucky to have found such a vibrant and adventurous school. Both boys enjoy attending immensely.

My professional background is real estate, infrastructure and other capital assets.

I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to school life as one of the Parent Governors.

Link Governor Role – Sustainability

Yvette Tullonge - Staff Elected Governor

Yvette Tullonge – Staff Elected Governor

Link Governor Areas – Art, Music and Drama


Vacancy - Parent Governor


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