We are currently adopting a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics in our school. Underlying this principle is the belief that all children should work cooperatively to become fluent mathematicians who are able to reason and solve a variety of problems by applying what they have learned in a range of contexts.
It also provides learners with powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world and it equips them to become architects of the future.
Mathematics teaching at St. Josephs is in line with the National Curriculum providing a lively, engaging and carefully planned blend of approaches that direct children’s learning. The pitch and pace of the work is sensitive to the rate at which children learn while ensuring that expectations are kept high and excellent progress is made by all children. Based on our motto ‘Learning to love and loving to learn’ we aim for all pupils to enjoy learning new mathematical skills and to become confident mathematicians.
At St Joseph’s we follow a Maths Mastery approach to learning.
This is supported by the solid implementation of the Mastery White Rose curriculum documents that give teachers a direction when planning maths.
As a school we have worked alongside the SW Maths Hub for a number of years to centralise this approach to teaching to ensure every year group gets high quality learning, whilst allowing every teacher to contribute to their own little sparkle.
Inclusion is at the heart of our maths curriculum, where lessons are designed in accordance with the gradual release of responsibility model moving the children through the ‘I do’. ‘We do’ and ‘You do’ stages. This shows the children how to perform a task, and gives them a chance to test it out with support before they embark on the work themselves.
To ensure every child is learning at their own level and making excellent progress, we are now aiming to consistently use concrete resources for provision for all children, in all year groups, which will develop their in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts and allows them to make links between maths units.
Each lesson follows the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach (CPA), which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in our pupils.
Times tables practice forms a vital part of our maths curriculum, which is progressive year on year in line with the National Curriculum. This helps children achieve fluency in mathematical concepts as well as preparing them for the multiplication times tables check in Year 4 and end of Key Stage 2 SATS in readiness for secondary school.
Using our Maths Mastery approach to teaching, the daily maths lessons are a structured and consistent part of the children’s day.
This lesson structure will allow children to understand where they are with their learning at every point during the lesson, and if needed, allow them to take a step back before developing their learning.
This is also a great way of ensuring the children have control over the gaps in their knowledge and know when to ask the teachers to go back a step.
Children will focus less on what is going to happen next and focus on what is happening at that moment.
Teacher assessments show that by the end of Key Stage 2 achieved 81% at the expected level and 56% working at greater depth, which is significantly above the national average level.
Curriculum Overviews