Catholic Life

Mission Statement

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School’s mission is, that together we are the architects of the future, building lives on the firm foundation of the Gospel values.

Inspired by Christian values, we aim to provide love and security within a curriculum designed to meet the complex needs of all individuals, in order to prepare them to take place in the ever changing world of today and tomorrow.

To achieve our vision, we work in partnership with parents to:

  • Nurture the faith, through living and teaching gospel values
  • Inspire achievement by promoting excellence in all we do
  • Realise potential by encouraging everyone to be the best they can be ensuring our children develop into confident, informed active and responsible global citizens who aspire and inspire.

Our school motto ‘Learning to love, loving to learn’, is taken from the teaching of Our Lord ‘Love one another’, which is central to our faith and our core purpose of developing autonomous lifelong learners. It captures simply the vision of our mission statement and our key values.

We want our learners to learn the essential knowledge and skills which help them to form positive, caring and loving relationships with all children and adults within the school community, while loving the process of learning.


Charities we support

Click on the links below to find out more about the charities, which we support.

Aid to the Church in Need


Catholic Children Society

MacMillan Cancer Support

Royal Trinity Hospice

Save the Children